Welcome to The Dear Hunter Theatrical Experience.

This website will contain all the information pertaining to the upcoming "Dear Ms. Leading" workshop project,
a theatrical interpretation of The Dear Hunter's Act II.

The open workshop for this project will be Sunday, December 12, 2010 at 6:00pm in Fairmont State University's Wallman Hall, room 314.
Please be aware the show contains adult themes and content. It is not suitable for children.

Monday 22 November 2010


We got into the space to clean up and work Sunday. Lots of work to do, but we've had two rehearsals and taken care of a bit. Things will start to smooth over much better when we have everyone in town. All the parts cast, most of the props ready! It's going to be a very short three weeks, but it's going to be filled with some wonderfully creative people all working together to bring this to life. Lots of video footage, but I'll save that for now. Last few days have been more than 11 hours of DML work a day for some people, so pardon me if this seems rather disconnected! Just wanted to let everyone know we are definitely working and it will be a marvelous show. Take care!