Welcome to The Dear Hunter Theatrical Experience.

This website will contain all the information pertaining to the upcoming "Dear Ms. Leading" workshop project,
a theatrical interpretation of The Dear Hunter's Act II.

The open workshop for this project will be Sunday, December 12, 2010 at 6:00pm in Fairmont State University's Wallman Hall, room 314.
Please be aware the show contains adult themes and content. It is not suitable for children.

Sunday 19 December 2010

First workshopping process has ended! Thank you all so much!

Well, we did. In just over two weeks of rehearsals, we were able to take Act II of The Dear Hunter and turn it into a staged musical! It has been such an honor to work with so many talented people! We packed about 70 audience members into a small studio theatre and showed them all what a little hard work and a great story can do. The project was not without its faults (issues we intend to address soon), I think it was an overwhelming success. Thank you all!

While this means that the project has ended, don't think you've seen the last of Dear Ms. Leading the musical... We have decided to make a few teaser videos from the footage we gathered and remount the project for a second workshop. There are currently no fixed date for this. Until then, be sure to check out the media section and check back here often for updates.

Also, today is Casey's birthday! I made a quick edited video while I was in the car for the occasion:

  Happy birthday, Casey!

Saturday 4 December 2010

A week to go!

One week down, and one week to go! This entire project has been filled with input and suggestion from the entire cast, so it constantly evolves into something greater than what we ever anticipated. We are all exceptionally excited to see this workshop project performed in front of an audience and receive feedback to evolve and polish it even further!

Please know the date have changed a bit: Saturday, December 11th is now a closed workshop, and the open workshop for the public is now Sunday, December 12th.

As an added bonus, check out the Media section for some pictures from last week's rehearsals! Be sure to check back often to see more pictures and maybe even a video preview!


Monday 22 November 2010


We got into the space to clean up and work Sunday. Lots of work to do, but we've had two rehearsals and taken care of a bit. Things will start to smooth over much better when we have everyone in town. All the parts cast, most of the props ready! It's going to be a very short three weeks, but it's going to be filled with some wonderfully creative people all working together to bring this to life. Lots of video footage, but I'll save that for now. Last few days have been more than 11 hours of DML work a day for some people, so pardon me if this seems rather disconnected! Just wanted to let everyone know we are definitely working and it will be a marvelous show. Take care!

Thursday 21 October 2010

Mark your calendars! December 11, 2010!

It has been decided that the performance for this project will be December 11, 2010.

We are hard at work getting everything prepared for rehearsals and are very excited to see this project come to life! A huge thank you to everyone who has contributed already! And a special thank you to all of the Fairmont State University theatre faculty and the Dean of the School of Fine Arts for allowing the project to take place! And, of course, thank you Casey.

Be expecting pictures, audio and video on the project! Thank you all for your continued support.

Monday 20 September 2010

Cast List Posted

The cast list for "Dear Ms. Leading" has been posted at Fairmont State University, Wallman Hall 314. Thank you to everyone who auditioned!

Thursday 16 September 2010

Auditions for Dear Ms. Leading!

The second auditions for "Dear Ms. Leading" (written by Casey Crescenzo and transcribed/directed by Reggie Jose) are this Saturday at 4pm-6pm! They will take place at Fairmont State University's Wallman Hall, room 236. Don't miss your only chance to be a part of this one-time-only rock opera musical!

Please come prepared to sing (accompaniment and acapella are both acceptable). Rehearsal will not begin until November, giving the cast plenty of time to learn the music. If you are at all interested, please come audition! These are the last auditions and then callbacks will be announced!

To sign up for auditions, please join the Auditions facebook event:

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Rehearsal Information

While the auditions are coming up soon (September 10), the rehearsals for the show will not start until November. During this time, other shows at FSU will be shown. But, those chosen for the Dear Ms. Leading cast will also learn their music during this time, so when rehearsals do begin, we will all hit the ground running!

The later rehearsals may be filmed, the audio recorded or both. The show will also be recorded in the same manner. This is to provide material for the video that will be shown to Casey and everyone else. It is HIGHLY LIKELY that the finished product will be available to view on a streaming video website, such as YouTube. Given that countless people will be able to see it (and Casey and the rest of the talented band will be watching), this show will require the utmost of talent and dedication.

The tech crew is already hard at work to make this show look its absolute best! So when it comes time to put this show on, be prepared for an excellent project with many talented people, on stage and off it!

Friday 27 August 2010


Auditions for "Dear Ms. Leading," the theatrical project of The Dear Hunter's acclaimed Act II: The Meaning of, and All Things Regarding MS. Leading will be:

September 10 (Friday), from 4-6pm at Wallman Hall 314

Saturday 7 August 2010

Preliminary Audition/Workshop

Hello everyone!

Preliminary Auditions/Workshop will be Friday, August 13, from 1-4pm. We will be in Wallman Hall, room 229 (The Concert Hall).

I realize that many are not around Fairmont yet, but don't worry, as there will be another audition before callbacks (likely the first week of September). This coming audition on August 13 will mostly benefit the directors (who will see what kind of voices we have) and the participants (who will be better acquainted with the style and aim of the project). If you can have songs prepared, that would be wonderful. We are all very lucky to have Jamie Clegg's help in this process! (Thank you, Jamie!)

If you have any questions whatsoever, feel free to contact me via facebook, email or text message.

Thank you all for your interest and I look forward to hearing your beautiful voices!


Monday 19 July 2010

Things are picking up!

I will be directing and participating in a staged theatrical project of The Dear Hunter's Act II: The Meaning of, and All Things Regarding Ms. Leading. I will be getting a tech crew together later this summer. The project  will be recorded and will be sent to Casey Crescenzo, as per his request.

I have completed the first few steps in getting everything set up for the Dear Hunter project, and now I am ready to hear some voices!

Please click the "Auditions" tab above for more information. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below or contact me via facebook.